Guy Murchie (1907 – 1997)


“Abstraction: that there is something intangible behind all life, all matter, and that this immateriality, or energy, is revealed by the flow of time;

“Interrelatedness: a measurable fact among all members of a species, between kingdoms of creatures, kingdoms to kingdoms, worlds to worlds;

“Omnipresence: the omnipresence of life, which denies that any impervious boundaries have been found between any of the kingdoms, or between life and non-life – concluding that all rocks and seas and worlds (and consequently the universe must in some sense be alive;

“Polarity: recognizing the balance and mutuality of the opposites we see everywhere: light and darkness, good and evil, predator and prey, matter and energy, – all of which, by their contrast, give definition and meaning to life, and make it work;

“Transcendence: referring to the development of our own perspectives on space and time as we grow older, as well as the progressive absorption of self into a wide awareness as one matures spiritually – all such factors being tools of learning drift from earthly finitude toward some sort of infinitude beyond;

“Germination: germination of worlds, a critical event that seems to happen once to every celestial organism, as is happening to Earth, now, after billions of years of slow evolution, as evidenced by many fundamental changes during what we call modern times;

“Divinity: the ultimate mystery, the unknowable essence that exists behind the creation and maintenance of all body, mind, and spirit.”

Guy Murchie, The Seven Mysteries of Life

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