Erich Fromm (1900 – 1980)

“Giving: Whoever is capable of giving of themself is rich. In the act of giving, something is born, and both persons involved are grateful for the life that is born for both of them;

“Care: Love is the active concern for the life and the growth of that which we love; one loves that for which one labors, and one labors for that which one loves;

“Responsibility: An entirely voluntary act; a response to the needs, expressed or unexpressed, of another human being;

“Respect: Respect is the ability to see someone as they are, to be aware of their unique individuality. Respect means the concern that the other person grow and unfold as they are; the absence of exploitation;

“Knowledge: Care and responsibility would be blind if not guided by knowledge, and knowledge would be empty if not motivated by concern. Knowledge is an aspect of love which does not stay at the periphery, but penetrates to the core; to transcend self-concern and see others on their own terms.”

Erich Fromm, Basic Elements of Love, “The Art of Love”



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